What do you think God is color every thought and belief have. This is true even for people who do not believe in God or spiritual Supreme Being, because no one is exempt from the laws of the universe.
science of mind and thought of a new definition of God is not what most of us grew up believing, or at least what I was told. However, the greater our definition of God / Spirit, the larger and more powerful our connection to it themselves. This is a fundamental principle that we must embody if we use our creative power is given.
This shift or growth in our definition of God will be readily embraced by some and difficult for others. It depends on where you are starting from.
To me, somehow, somewhere inside me is knowing - knowing - that a "Great Spirit" is responsible for everything that I saw in nature. From the observation of nature, from high school chemistry and biology, I saw how everything worked together so perfectly. I had no name for it then, but had to be a fantastic, perfect intelligence which is to put all these things together. Now I invite you to Universal Intelligence, Divine Mind, nature, life, well, Cosmic Consciousness, Spirit, Creator, love and law; sources. Oh yeah, and God.
of God. This is my evolving definition of God. It is the science of the mind the definition of God.
look at it from a scientific perspective.
Scientists will tell you, learn more things, more to see the mathematical perfection in everything. This is the beginning of dawn on them that something unfathomable intelligence brought these things into existence in a perfect ratio and sklad.Inteligencija, hmmm.Znanstvenici give the name of intelligence - they call him God. Imagine that - scientists argue that God is
This is not true, God I grew up with. With my Catholic upbringing, God is humanized, old man, up there in heaven, to pray, with Jesus as his son, who was once on Earth.
And therein lies the folly of my religious upbringing - "humanized beings." We (the current standard of world religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam) are all made of God in our image.
Wait, is not that backwards? Not the Bible says God created man is his (her) own image? Yes, the Bible is right, but we read it backwards. We interpret this to mean: perceive the physical man, God created man in His own image, man-pictures we see must be what God looks like
.We apply the vices and weaknesses of humanity to spiritually biće.Osvetoljubivi God, a jealous God, punishing God. Not those adjectives accurately describe people? As these adjectives refer to the ubiquitous, omnipotent, omniscient, and a spiritual being? The answer is, not really. They do not reflect the presence of this Universal Principle and Go (o) dness.
I am not here to debate the language of the Bible - this time. I ask you to rethink what they think is God. Expand your definition of Go (o) D and you'll expand your expression of it. When you do, when God becomes love, Universal Presence, which operates through impersonal, immutable law, the whole world is changing. It will change your outlook on your life. This will change the way you interpret and analyze everything. This will change the way you think, and this is the way you change your life.
What if your God did not prohibit, capricious, punishment, does not react the way the old man, a way separate from you, who live in heaven?
What if your God is present within you and surrounds you? What if your God is the strength, universally unique power that was all goodness? (This would eliminate the kind of devil theory, it would not.) What if your God gives you everything, only able to give, unable to refuse to give and can not be anything away? What if your God is the Creative Principle, which has made its creation knowing, knowing itself as a unity and allness, bringing in over a fixed, immutable and impersonal law. And what if it was a God in whose "image and likeness," we were created.
Keep your smallness, people, if this idea scares you. But I'm here to tell you its size, its unity with the size. This is what God has given us - the ability to be exactly like herself, if your definition of God is intelligence, strength, power, presence, impersonal principle and gives all lovingness. It's true image and likeness we are made in.
Our "likeness" to God is this: we get a mind that is able to think like a Divine Mind (God) thought. In fact, we are individualized to the Divine Mind. God is the Universal Mind, and our thoughts are individuated. But that's all the same mind, and it all works the same way. Therefore, we are creating, through the use of thought, our experience individualized, so God creates with his mind on a universal level.
We are only able to create as God. We just do it on an individualized scale. This is how we are like God. This is not some grandiose self-view, it is God-given and God-ordained. It is a natural progression of Unity of God. If there is anything other than God, then we are part of God, and we have been endowed with the quality (image and likeness) of God.
Again, take a clue from nature. Scientists discover that everything is energy. Put down, in the most microscopic level, the same particles that make you and me, and so-called inanimate objects, and all around him increase his small orbits. What leads to the conclusion that all is one and one is all.
So you have scientific observation that there is a universal unity of life and that unity is the perfect Intelligence. Metaphysically, this means that we are all one, that one nature of the Divine Intelligence.
As we started moving our definition of the Universal God's presence and power, science and religion is a common way to connect.
Creativity is our nature. My broader definition of God allows me to experience a relationship with the Divine as it is in me and everything around me. It allows me to think of themselves as part of the power and presence, it is because they can create any experience I want in my life with full creative power of God we support. I have dominion in my life.
Consider a better idea of what God is and that there is in your life.
Namaste. - "Spirit in me greets the spirit in you ."
Copyright 2005, Tina Montalto