Marcus Asay Fresno Draw Sketch of Modern Economic Development Character

Posted by naharazizi on Monday, October 24, 2011

important figure behind the development of a modernized economy is cycled in his character. In order to clean up any structural crisis in the global economy, many modern conditions are getting formirana.Zemalja by making use of old technology and progress have been destroyed, while the countries that have managed to develop and use innovative potential opportunities proved to be a focal point for attracting capital, it independent of the old production. Thus, the state implemented and by making use of industrial capital investment and technical research policy likely potential fields are achieving competitive advantage.

The main means to overcome the structural crisis are counted as a radical innovation, and execution of the prime scientific knowledge. Implementation of these factors would help in the adoption of new achievements, as well as increasing efficiency and efficaciousness of traditional events. In relation to activate the economic development of the stable phase, it is important to increase the innovational investments involving the use of new technologies and the importance temeljnih.Glavni about innovative ways of economic development in the investment policy provides a revolutionary form of development, which in turn means the government role in the growth and implementation of policies the investment.

said spreading awareness and knowledge about new ideas and civilization of individuals, a highly developed country assumes full responsibility for the financing arena, including high risk research, basic science, scientific research infrastructure development, etc. At this point, the government is trying to develop institutions and organizations, which will confirm the investment new technologies, encourage progressive technological change, encourage innovative activities, and information izvori.Osnovni modernized foundation for economic growth and development involves an active investment processes especially in the technological and scientific fields, and innovative technical and scientific processes.

These days, the main reason for the decline in scientific and technical potential no longer has integrity and the unity between research and the use of opinion polls. In such conditions, in order to achieve modern economic growth and development in the country, it is vital for the development and creation of scientific innovation to be taken into account. Marcus Asay says further laying the foundation for innovative and progressive movements multiplication, technological development of the country is all about investment, resulting in increased production, scientific innovation and improvisation, etc. Also, the development of corporate organizations and business tools to achieve long-term industrial applications and making conditions leading to stable economic growth and development.