social status, prestige, all are associated with the individual. Sometimes it is acquired or sometimes comes with the birth. Social status comes from a family background, money, status, and ethnic families.
to social status as well as others, we make money, earn money, we do not understand how to get it. Middle class people complete their education to get a secure job and get a nice salary. Despite trying hard to make money a lot of cargo such as family, taxes, bills, and every penny that goes out.
In the field of education there is also a competitor. Hypertension is common in the younger generation because of exam pressure, pressure from peers to spend money, etc. People with high social economic status to take them everywhere keep providing good education for their children. People with low economic status can not give their children higher education and their minds are still underdeveloped. Such people are susceptible to hypertension, because they can not cope with the tension of the money needed for education.
people compare yourself with others, they see that rich people have a house, car and every amenity for life. No, they do not understand how to make huge money. All this social burden. Reflecting the peak, we stress our body, mind, working day and night without interruption, without rest, and thus, the body gets tired and respond in a different way. It relieves the stress hormone adrenalin, cortisol and norepinephrine, all of which are vasoconstrictors leads to hypertension.
Both are at high risk, people with high socio-economic status and low socioeconomic status. Due to the poverty of people with lower status have not been able to satiate the demand of the body. People with higher status are at greater risk of hypertension due to a sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption and irregular eating habits.
This is not just about poor people or people who come below the poverty line. It is also about people who have high interest such as the Executive Director, Director, Manager, etc. They all have to deal with social economic status. They advance the goal of increasing sales of the company, to enhance productivity relative to peers, to manage all balance sheet and what does not. Higher responsibility higher risk of hypertension.
hypertension comes quietly and leaves the body. In rural areas people tend to eat. Poverty leads to hypertension. They eat everything they find in their vicinity. Eating only means that you do not fill the stomach, to fulfill the request body. Essential nutrients, protein, vitamins and minerals are all necessary for the proper functioning of organs. Lack of potassium leads to serious hypertension. This imbalance of ions and minerals caused by irregularities in the osmolarity.
Health education should be given to all. There is a difference between advice to give poor and rich people.
the rich can afford all kinds of drugs immediately.
This does not mean that the poor can not be used for treatment. For them, it is important that they understand how to cope with stress due to socio-economic status.
Education about dietary habits and lifestyle is important for both people with high and low social economic status. In the end, everyone's body responds to all the adverse conditions in a similar manner regardless of status.