Are the European PIIGS Getting Too Much Slop? The Coming Global Economic Crisis and Its Effect on Us

Posted by naharazizi on Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm always worried about their economic future (or lack thereof) when I check everyday world financial news. We in the United States, or at least should be, concerned about the possible upcoming economic crisis due to overspending of our government. It is the largest increase in national debt in two years (2008-2010) in the nation's history. We still have the advantage, at least temporarily, to the European Union nations have. Our government has the ability to print money and delay the upcoming payday is due to all these claims. It's not really a good thing, but at least in the short term, it slows impending danger.

five European countries, known by the acronym PIIGS are not so lucky. These countries are: Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain. Recently, serious concerns about changing the economic balance of the five EU countries have increased. These PIIGS are feeding too much on borrowing through the economic. Pigs eat and wallow in the "policeman". It seems that these countries are doing the same. They eat too much monetary policeman lately. They have now reached the point where they are borrowing money just to pay interest on money already borrowed. They are not the only one either. It seems that the United States, UK and many other non-EU countries are not far behind.

So, what to do with me and you? Maybe nothing, but if history is any indication, you'd better start looking for ways to protect our assets before they are taken away, but through legal tax to pay for our country, "overeating to shed trough. Some of us have very little to protect while others can count on your property in the millions. in the United States, 2011 will bring a whole new round of taxes that we must fight. there are always legal ways to protect assets for those in the know. Some of the strategies that can be used in the U.S. and others must be used abroad.

As a student living in the diaspora is concerned, I think that more and more individuals and families looking for a cheaper destination than that of their homeland. Some do it because of its continuous reduction of funds, while some others do not seem to protect and maximize the resources they were able to accumulate over the years. I personally have always enjoyed a period of immigrant lives. It was never about the money or property. I just enjoyed the experience of living in another culture and learning about different lifestyles.

However, as a consequence of global economic change views of each of us - some sooner than others - we all can begin to look at other political, economic and geographical areas for the benefit of offshore residence. Immigrants who live fast becoming accepted as a way to hedge your bets, live economically, and have a fuller, more relaxed life. Offshore banking, offshore investments, offshore companies and expatriate living all considered sustainable ways of improving the effects of the global economic crisis. We can and should learn from the European Union PIIGS.