In Tough Economic Times You Should Avoid Making These 3 Critical Mistakes

Posted by naharazizi on Friday, October 28, 2011

Uncertainty dominates most people's minds. Staying positive in the current environment does not mean you have to stop listening to the news. Staying positive means you have to accept the new reality and to transform both their and your company access to business in the most difficult period since the Great Depression.

If you study the recent history, you will find that many companies not only survived the Great Depression, but actually improved during this period. You'll also learn that a key part of the success of companies that have survived and thrived is found in the way they communicate with all our stakeholders - employees, customers, shareholders, bankers, regulators, partners, etc.

During difficult times, the importance of accurate, targeted communication is enhanced. Bearing in mind that bargaining is nothing more than a specialized form of communication, knowledge of the negotiations is in the process, but an event that takes place when formal sit across the table to discuss the conditions of contract opens up a profound opportunity for you to not only protect the values​​, but actually create additional value within the company.

You and your company should avoid making any of the following three major errors in these negotiations are trying economic times.

1 Lowering your aspirations

Companies and people who thrived during the recent recession has focused on moving forward, regardless of market conditions. Do not make the mistake of lowering your aspirations as a result of what is happening around you. Success requires your full attention and requires ambitious goals -. And even more in tough economic times

Remember you do not negotiate with yourself. Do not make the mistake of lowering your aspirations, because you think that your colleagues will not be entertained by the level of its opening. Give your colleagues the opportunity to say no. Of course, you should be willing to make concessions if they say it does its job offer and it means you have to prepare the concession strategy where you have a clear picture of all the items you're willing to trade.

2 Using only a competitive strategy to negotiate or renegotiate the supply contracts

Do not make the mistake of thinking that a competitive approach to negotiation, where you are only interested in achieving their goals will result in the best deal for you. In tough times, vendors expect you to drive harder bargain and they will prepare a defense against a very assertive approach. Very often, their defense will underperform or just perform normally during the contract phase to ensure that you maximize the profits from the transactions. And during the phase of contract management professional buyers usually are not involved in managing relationships with suppliers, leaving open the possibility of arbitration.

During difficult times it becomes much more important to pursue more collaborative approach, where they also try to serve and meet some of the key medium and long term interests of its suppliers, not just focusing on their goals. You'll be surprised how creative suppliers can be if you feel that there is a trust in place and they are able to openly explore the creative possibilities with you.

Do not forget that you are far more likely to make concessions to people they like and trust than those who treat you with prezirom.Univerzalno the principle of reciprocity is alive and well in difficult times, -. Which means we go back to another form of behavior that indicate to us

So, go ahead, set the tone for cooperation relationships that you have with your key / strategic suppliers.

3 Neglecting to create organizational capability negotiation

Tough trading conditions provide an ideal opportunity and incentive to rethink the way you and your company dealing with suppliers, customers and other key stakeholders. Do not make the mistake of thinking that is a good negotiating skills are only found in individuals.

There are things you can do with relatively little effort to ensure that the results of your department, division or business negotiation efforts are equally enhanced by ensuring the application of business negotiations, best practices in accordance with the sale, purchase or other business processes your business environment.

To help you create the organizational skills of negotiation, I have created a review consists of 11 questions. After answering the 11 questions, you will immediately receive reports contrasting their responses to hundreds of answers to our database. Moreover, you will receive detailed recommendations based on your answers to help you create an organizational negotiation skills that will steady the ship in difficult times.

Bankruptcy Can Be An Economic Stimulus For Those In Serious Debt

Posted by naharazizi

During the past few years, most Americans have heard all the rescue that banks are getting. Even going further than that the federal government came up with a stimulus package that would supposedly stimulate the economy, but it was all give money to large corporations for their pet projects without creating any jobs at all. Right now, in 2011, the United States still has an employment rate of 9.2% of the country. It does not look like the economic stimulus did nothing for the citizens of the United States. Most Americans are buried under the mountain of credit card debt, waiting for a job, so you do not have to file for bankruptcy. In most cases, if these individuals have to wait too long, filing for bankruptcy will not help.

When it comes to debt, the statistics speak for themselves, the average American household $ 20,000 in credit card debt. That's a lot of money when you consider that $ 20,000 was also six months salary of the average American household. Most people do not realize that they will probably never be able to pay down debt. With interest rates up to about 21 to 26% for credit cards, people in this situation usually barely the minimum payment. This is why filing bankruptcy may be the only economic incentives that these people will ever get. The federal government does not say much, but when it comes down to it you do not pay their bills.

This is just common sense to look at your finances and see if you win the lottery you'll never be able to pay off. All you have to do is write down all your bills to create a budget and figure if ever charged on credit card never how long it will take you to pay them. If more than six years, the odds are against you. When you are facing such a situation it is time to go talk to a bankruptcy lawyer if bankruptcy can help your current situation.

There are two main chapters of bankruptcy for individuals. These are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most common and the king for an individual or family that has a large amount of unsecured debt such as credit cards, medical bills and payday loans. Filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy will wipe out all those debts if the debtor has no secured debt there is a possibility that will emerge from bankruptcy is debt free. That sounds like a pretty good incentive package if you ask me. On the other side of the fence, Chapter 13 bankruptcy is best for people who are trying to protect their property from being lost in foreclosure. In Chapter 13, the debtor has its own bankruptcy attorney draw up a repayment plan that will last 3-5 godina.Poglavlje 13 payment plan based on the amount that the borrower can afford the secured debts are paid and all other paid if something is left preko.Poglavlje 13 bankruptcy allows the debtor to his property, and getting caught up on back payments.

nice thing about is a bankruptcy attorney file a petition with the court, the creditors can not bother the debtor to collect the amount owed. People who are struggling paycheck to paycheck and in many cases unemployment check unemployment check to get, I do not need extra pressure nasty creditors humiliating them. Do not wait for economic stimulus from the government to save you, bankruptcy may be the only incentive you will ever get.

How Small Wholesale Businesses Are Essential for Economic Growth

Posted by naharazizi

What is really driving our economy? The answer is --- a small wholesale company. How important are they? They are vital for economic growth, due to many reasons such as: small wholesale companies to increase per capita income and national GDP, which are the main indicators of economic growth. Most people can not accept this and believe that a large enterprise and wholesale point of production plants are actually the most important factor for economic development of the country. If you think deeply through small wholesalers and the number of people who benefit from it, only then you will see what we saw. Minus a small wholesale company of the economic setting of the country and be prepared to witness the scale of unemployment rising to a shocking extent.

Small businesses actually stabilize the economy of the country, and rightly win the title of the country's "economic backbone". Notwithstanding the fact that they do not offer transport millions of pounds, investors around the world trust the small wholesale companies more than in larger instruments. These companies are really flexible and easy to manage in a changing economic conditions.

to create more employment opportunities!

The people of this industry can support a small wholesale companies play a significant role in creating new jobs. One study showed that small businesses generate 20% of new jobs each year. Statistics show that small businesses tend to fall less during the economic crisis. Remain robust in the most severe recession includes extremely stable

more jobs for uneducated people!

large wholesale company mainly engaged on an international level, and should be recognized experts in education is laudable, while small companies generally deal with the large local so that people with low education profile to get a job there. Half of the working people in the country are usually part of the wholesale business. There are many assumptions to produce semi-finished and not so high-tech equipment. Therefore, such a preferred hiring less skilled people who can do more work in less time and at low wages.

to improve the standard of living!

Consider the example of China, there are innumerable small wholesale company, commonly referred to as homemade. These manufacturers deal at the local level, with less than 100 (not highly skilled) employees primarily engaged in wholesale semi-finished goods. Such opportunities to create good profits for all of them and increase your overall income per capita in the country, which is a prominent indicator of economic growth. Increased profits also improves living standards and creating a good state influence at the international level.

mobilize the cash!

Although most small manufacturing companies depend on their work outsourced to other manufacturers, but in fact they form the base of large enterprises. These companies produce more products and help circulate more money. Smaller manufacturing enterprises are formed during periods of recession, it is perhaps because there was nothing else to do separately. People are using their savings and started a small wholesale at Community level. There are several wholesale niches that do not require a large amount to start. Small businesses help to mobilize cash, and most of the startups actually remain stable.

The Obama's Administration's Economic Failure

Posted by naharazizi

If all this is to create economic growth was to spend billions and billions of Federal Reserve printing dollars, economic growth would be "no brainer". We would do exactly what Obama administration has done and everything will be dobro.Činjenica economic growth requires more than just spending money and printing money.

It requires an investment of money, reinvesting the profits it made​​, and repeated this process over and over again. This is called the "multiplier effect". By-products are a good investment: new products, efficiency in developing and manufacturing products, services and jobs. To date, there is no evidence that any money spent by the Obama administration has failed in any meaningful way to produce any of the above effects in the economy, despite administration claims that we can stop the decline and loss of jobs.

The Obama administration is trying its inappropriate way that the government try to do what the private sector is not the best, invest and do profit.Uprave plan doomed to fail because their goal has now become to make a profit. To do this, the government must become a competitor in the market, instead of the regulator on the market. It's as if the referee in the game to bet on a team that wants to win before the match referees. He will do his best to make sure that the interest in winning the igri.Vlada backed General Motors may cut prices of its cars to the point that they can cause competitors go out of business, and we then get a company car instead of three in the U.S. u. That would mean fewer jobs and more expensive cars of inferior quality.

Management must understand that this country is a competitor on the world market for businesses. It is necessary to attract business in this country, and not chase them away with high income taxes and excessive regulation. Corporations are what make the economy grow, not the government. Corporations are experts in investing, making a profit and reinvestment. And if the corporation does not do it well, it will go out of business -. And deservedly so

Obama administration gets "F" in ekonomiji.Trenutne policy will not cause economic growth. Instead, they will cause inflation. This inflation will initially appear as a growth, but in reality, it will only be new printed dollars into the market.

Printing money without economic growth has the effect of currently available goods and services seem to be worth more. We saw the first effects of inflation with the dollar losing one third of its value in the last six months. The reasons we have not seen a sharper decline of the dollar so far, 1) the economy is still relatively strong, despite the down turn, and 2) administration only began to spend billions of dollars have been allocated.

administration to reverse its course with regard to economic policy. This should reduce consumption, reduce corporate taxes and stop printing money. Cutting spending will help reduce debt. Cutting taxes will attract business to come to America. It is not printing money will allow the dollar to strengthen and lead to more investment dollars to reach the United States.

Truth About Global Economic Crisis: Book Review

Posted by naharazizi on Monday, October 24, 2011

You want to read the global economic crisis since the Great Depression of XXI Century, edited by Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall, if you meet these criteria: you information and analysis on critical issues that come from great thinkers outside the mainstream media and the publishing world, you can handle brain pain from detailed and brutally honest revelations, you are willing and able to challenge their prejudices and preconceptions that the new explanation of how the world actually works


If millions of Americans to read this book, we would probably see a much stronger rebellion against the political establishment who declined severely punished guilty of countless people in the financial, banking and mortgage sector, which has brought a number of U.S. and global economic system.

This book ties together a number of factors in twenty chapters that reveal how the world has become corrupted, because the power of plutocratic, wealthy and corporate interests. From Wall Street corporate apartments for the Federal Reserve and other central banks to U.S. military and NATO, a lot or get woven into the tapestry of disturbing crimes against society, which have not yet been processed.

This book is truly an instrument of anti-brainwashing. If you're willing to spend serious time reading, then you will become much angrier about the dismal state of the economy that is causing so much pain and suffering of ordinary people around the world. If you have personally avoided the worst of the destruction of the economic meltdown, then you'll have a lot more compassion for those who are severely affected.

In all honesty, if the current global economic crisis you angry, pessimistic, fearful, paranoid, desperate and even worse, then this book will most likely exacerbate all such feelings. Revealing more connections, implications and causes, this book will motivate you to do everything you can to combat corporate, plutocratic forces devastating the lives of ordinary people. If you already have little trust in government, it will only make things worse. Does all this mean that you should avoid reading? Absolutely not.

Here are some statements from the book that resonated with me and you can use to decide whether the general philosophical orientation is compatible with your opinion:

"Wall Street's ponzi scheme is used to manipulate the market and transfer billions of dollars into the pockets of banksters ."

"The government rescue packages around the world are corporate in nature, such as saving the capitalists at the expense of people ."

"global political economy is transformed into a global government structure at the crossroads of major financial crises ."

Just gin up the courage to read it, get some color markers to highlight passages and expand your knowledge to overcome all the propaganda constantly throws at you. We need more citizen unrest on the energy of several public protests to overthrow the powers that have corrupted and perverted our vlade.Ključni voice in mainstream media, which is in line with the painful messages in this book is Dylan Ratigan who is a great Daily Show on MSNBC. He also should read this book timely.

Economic Bubbles 101

Posted by naharazizi

all too common phrase "learning from history" between the rhetoric of governments and central banks for decades. And since we've heard most of our lives we think that today's economic events will have terrible consequences of past mistakes. So is the case with the infamous property bubble that is our economy experienced almost every decade in our lives. What puzzles me is the fact that the academic macro-economists always debate whether the central bank only needs to prick bubbles or a run out of steam on its own instead of focusing on how to avoid them.

As many of the diseases are the result of individual lives - and in many cases can be prevented - the law of cause and effect applies to the economic bubble of the event. For example, the Real Estate Bubble that we experienced during the early 2000s was not "just happen." Something is causing a bubble that eventually brought us the current financial crisis. From the Austrian school perspective, there is no logical explanation of how man-made economy (Keynesian-ISM) bubbles form and why it allows to operate a free market would be prevented.

The demand for loans

When the economy is experiencing high demand for credit, due to the high demand for scarce resources. As a result of lack of market entrepreneurs to participate in the production of these resources by creating investment boom. Without the intervention of central banks - in a truly free market - high demand for credit will be reflected in an increase in interest rates u. This is part of the economic laws of supply and demand. When the goods, for example, is in short supply with high demand commodity prices going gore.Isti law applies to a loan request when the loan is limited - because of the limited savings -. And the demand is high, the price of the loan or have to go up

cost of credit expressed in interest rates

So, what happens if the cost of the loan is suppressed by the central banks? Clearly, the investment boom does not stop. First of all, it gives the wrong signals to business people as well as in the previous example, the builders will be built over. This results in the arena of the other players / participants that May is not necessarily equipped to handle credit and / or business requirements - new home builder and the marginal buyer. In Austrian economic terms, which are called "malinvestments." Malinvestments are investments that the free market - an unprecedented government and central bank intervention - not nastupiti.Podrijetlo word "mal" comes from the Latin word "malus". Its meaning is "bad" or "insufficient ."

If the central bank would fix the price of interest rates - such as Alan Greenspan is not the time Real Estate Boom - the market would be adjusted so as rates go up. As a result of increasing interest rates at least two events would have occurred. 1) Malinvestments would be prevented, and 2) the asset price would be inflated. In our example, housing prices would not have gone so quickly and toliko.Cijena assets - real estate - would be kept in check by the market. Of course, things have not happened this way. The central bank has adopted a man-made basis so that the economy keeping rates at low levels, leading to malinvestments and artificially inflated property values​​. Therefore, no natural growth rates, control rates for inflation to be directed to the property itself.

credit expansion performed by the central bank before and during the events of the so-called "economic boom" that can temporarily create the illusion that there is more real resources available than actually exists. Moreover, it seems many people feel when they are rich overview of their net worth, in terms of valuation of assets. In reality, the effects of the Bubble, no doubt, painful burst. There is no such thing as a soft landing when it comes to economic bubbles,. Must be prevented by the government and central bank allowing the market to adjust freely, without their intervention

Lessons from the Great Depression

of the Great Depression in the 1930s was the impact of a number of basic events that have occurred. First, it was the 1929 Stock Market crash, which is driven by credit expansion that led to artificially inflated share prices. Credit expansion has always been inspired by the joint efforts of central banks and governments. If rates were allowed to adjust freely - without the intervention of central banks - malinvestments to prevent and shareholder value would be maintained at the value dictated by the free market. Many Americans are exuberant their new found wealth in the stock market. As (more) young people act like they are invincible, so many "new rich" individuals and businesses. Second, when the explosion shares Bubble, instead of allowing "too big to fail" entities fail politicians decided to save them. Thus, more government intervention in the form of regulations, taxation and saving. People have lost their stock investments and bank savings. Bank runs occurred because the bank only kept some of their deposits in their vaults - Fractional reserve banking system that is used today - while the rest was lost due loans are secured by shares. I see many similarities between the events of yesterday and today. Briefly here are:

1 Credit expansion promoted by the central banks;
Second The emergence Malinvestments;
Third Asset bubbles;
4th Bubble burst;
5th "Too big to fail" corporations are saved by rescue;
6th Asset deflation;
7th Government enforcement of new regulations;
8th Keynesian principles that are applied causing more money to print;
9th Stagflation - our current economic phase - in which commodity prices go up, and the value of assets - like real estate -. Continue to blow

Finally, if central banks, governments, politicians, economists and modern really would stand by the motto "learning from history, so it does not happen again," they will do well to pick up a few books of Austrian economists such as Mises, Rothbard, Hayek, and Hazlitt.

China - US Economic Relations

Posted by naharazizi

It is an attempt to look at the economic aspect of the U.S. - China relations from the Chinese perspective. This approach can provide interesting insights into the most important economic axis of economic interdependence in the modern world, and generate innovative ideas on how to access the existing and future problems.

Theoretical background
The modern phase of US-Chinese relations are characterized by a high degree of economic interdependence can be analyzed from a realist perspective. Henry Kissinger was working towards a classic "realist" balance of power arrangements seeking closer relations with China to counter Soviet influence in Asia after the Vietnam War. The Dr. Kissinger to Nixon's own words are "had ideas for building peace on a global scale." Therefore, it might be argued from a constructivist perspective that this is a classic 'realist' foreign policy act created a reality that will develop into a major phenomenon of modern economic policy interdependence between the world's leading liberal free market democracy, and specifically the last communist države.Impresivan increase economic exchanges between the two countries, the reforms introduced by Deng Xiaoping in 1979 led to the current situation in which they dominate world trade and global economic stability depends on the successful razvoju.Upravljanje these relationships and mutual political and security implications require skilled economic statecraft to solve problems related to stem from unmatched extent of economic interdependence and structural differences between the communist rule of the economies in transition to a free market in the case of China and the economy is in transition from "laissez-faire" principles of the Reagan era of increasing calls for more regulation, after the global financial crisis 2008th

historical context
The relationship between the U.S. and China began to develop uu new direction, after Henry Kissinger approached the economic relations between China and picked up especially after the reforms Deng Xio Ping in 1979. Trade with the United States has helped China achieve dramatic success in improving quality of life of the most populous country in the world. Chinese political life is advanced by more openness, democracy and accountability and the protection of private property is a chance for a prosperous middle class to emerge. At the same time China is still a communist country ruled by the Communist Party, which is far from even the concept of something similar to Gorbachev's perestroika, let alone more comprehensive political reformi.Izvanredan economic development was accompanied by extensive environmental damage. Some of the new rich have earned their wealth through corruption and lack of an effective justice system to solve the problem is partly due to CCP's political opposition reformi.Sredstava for the life of a large portion of the population, although better than the starving population of sub-Saharan Africa is still uncertain near the border siromaštva.Gospodarskog development based on cheap labor and still show signs of success in the more technologically advanced areas such as Japan and the Asian tigers have done.
The U.S. approach to China is in the range from a desire to ensure good relations to alleviate the security threats in the 70's through the early period of growth of economic relations that began with the Deng reforms and culminated in China receive a first place among U.S. trading partners and the world wide importance of water in the U.S. uncertainty of how to treat China: as a rival, an ally of controversial or difficult partner to deal with, but it is impossible to refuse.
Floating exchange for Chinese currency rage.

The Chinese government has strongly resisted international pressure led the U.S. to float the Chinese valute.Kinezi complain that now after the financial crisis is not a problem rate of its currency, but the value of the dollar, or more accurate values​​, but the stability of the dollar which is dependent on stability of American politike.Iznad conclusion Wang Qing, an economist from Morgan Stanley in Hong Kong to the U.S. government responsible for the course linking their stability to the stability of the policy. Although the connection between politics and currency values ​​can be set to not to directly. There was no apparent change in policy when the financial crisis hit in recent days the Bush administration. This is more of the adequacy of certain policies that may affect the exchange rate. In any case, the large Chinese trade surplus is materialized in U.S. dollars, mainly in the form of Treasury bonds.

"We have lent a large sum of money in the U.S., of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I am definitely a little worried." The problem is that the Chinese can not make big sale of U.S. treasury bonds because it will lead to their price will fall. But even if they keep them massive U.S. subsidies will mean the U.S. government sells more bonds and the market may demand higher interest rates for them than the interest rates on Chinese bonds hold. This will result in a scenario of falling prices of bonds holding the Chinese. Alternatively, if the U.S. government chose to restrict borrowing and encouragement can mean a slower recovery of the U.S. economy will hurt Chinese exports to the United States. The second scenario involves reducing the trade deficit the United States because of the crisis has resulted in fewer Chinese purchases of U.S. bonds. In any case, the financial crisis facing the Chinese leaders with severe dilema.Američki sees the solution in encouraging domestic potrošnje.Kineska Chinese government sees the solution in reducing its reliance on its reserves to the U.S. dollar and the dependence on U.S. financial policy beyond its control, by calling (with Russia ) for the establishment of an internationally managed reserve currency, which will increase the stability of global financial markets and have the added benefit of greater freedom for the financial policy of the reserve currency policy like the U.S., EU and Japan.

2 What China expects the U.S.

budget deficit control
After the financial crisis and the implementation of incentive measures of primary care in China is the U.S. government's resolve and ability to budget deficit under control. From the perspective of China's national interest in their ability to deal with the negative effects of the global financial crisis depends on the value of their national reserves, which is dependent on U.S. policy. Commentators speculate on whether China will continue buying U.S. securities, thus financing the U.S. government potrošnje.Očigledan answer is yes, because there is no substitute for U.S. government bonds in terms of safe investments, even when taking into account all the pitfalls of using them as financial instruments rezervat.Logična an improvement in the trade balance between China and the United States will be that China will buy fewer U.S. securities because they will have less free funds used to purchase the bonds, but will use the money to profit from exports to the U.S. to pay for imports instead. To conclude, if China is financially viable option to switch to other reserves, a safe haven such as the IMF special drawing rights, or that the euro would do and they will not hesitate to do so if it becomes viable in the future. Current calculations even though the U.S. dollar attractive despite the contradictory position serves as an international currency, but held under U.S. national control. China will continue to maintain its national reserves in U.S. dollars and try to influence the American government to continue a policy that will prevent the dollar from losing value.

free trade not protectionism
The second most important economic statecraft policy question that China wants to see a positive outcome in their relations with the United States that the administration will go about dealing with protectionist pressures in Congress. China is understandably suspicious the real U.S. intentions. On the one hand, we have determined the statements of President Obama at the G20 meeting a few warning against the dangers of protectionism and other controversial imposition of tariffs on imported tires from China.

New U.S. financial regulation to prevent crises
China is concerned with the negative impact of the current financial crisis that has exposed their economic vulnerability to events beyond their control. Understandably, China wants to see better regulation to ensure the smooth functioning and predictability of the U.S. financial system of world trade depends on health.

The increased role of China in the IMF
At the 20th meeting of the International Monetary and Financial Committee of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund in Istanbul Deputy Governor Central Bank of China Yi Gang point for higher quotas for developing countries and better tracking abilities zaMeđunarodni Monetary Fund. He blamed the IMF for not foresee the global financial crisis and blames this failure on poor management resulting from the distorted representation in the IMF governing bodies. This is a valid complaint, such as the Chinese have done what is expected of them: efficiently produced goods for export and financial collapse adversely affect them, without warning. That the IMF has required structural and administrative reforms, including revision of quotas admitted supported by the U.S. government.

recognizing China as a market economy.
Recognition of China as a market economy affects the way the fair market value of the goods calculated to determine whether the country is participating in the subsidy or dumping. As China is not recognized as a market economy by major trading partners, U.S. and EU may be easier to apply sanctions against China in the latter case, U.S. tariffs on imported tires from China. Theoretically, the question has two strane.Prvi can China be considered a market economy? Prevalence of state-owned enterprises and the strict control of the national currency credits towards a negative answer. On the other hand, a significant development of China to establish an effective enterprise, including private ones successfully working on increasing export capacity points to the conclusion that China is making considerable efforts to implent sustav.Rezultati latest market-driven China -. American strategic dialogue shows that there are no insurmountable obstacles on the way to the U.S. recognition of China's market economy status, which will realize sooner or later, depending on the political situation in both countries

While the official Chinese policy can deal with the continuing dominance of the Communist Party and the Marxist ideology of the Russian (and Yugoslavia), experience shows that the true interests of the ruling elite may be more material than ideological alignment to maintain their economic moći.Metastaza corruption feed China's economic boom points int that direction Bearing this in mind, three scenarios can be discerned for the future development Kine.Najpoželjniji, but perhaps not likely to be gradual political development of Chinese society to democracy after the consolidation of market principles in gospodarstvu.Najopasniji will slip backwards under the pressure of economic coercion and oppression in the pugnacity of Mao ere.Najvjerojatniji although it will be a collapse of the Communist Party and the transfer of power in the hands of corrupt officials and mafia like structures. The U.S. initiative for democratic reform in China can diffuse the danger of chaotic collapse of communism and the significant security implications that may result. Finally we can conclude that there is a convergence of interests between the Chinese Communist Party, businesses and people in China and that leads to peaceful economic development as a way to solve all the problems facing modern China. This position may find understanding in the U.S. and the rest of the world as it is consistent with long-term interests of all countries interested in developing economic relations with China on a win-win basis.

Using Survival Tactics During Economic Trouble

Posted by naharazizi

If we continue to have economic problems in the future, and it gets worse, we should start to see more crime that we can push the survival tactics. People will be desperate to get money to pay for things and will begin to resort to theft. This will be done in the form of robberies in convenience stores, burglary and home invasion.

This is something we all need to be aware and be prepared for such we are not affected by this crime. Do you want to feel safe when going out or at home, and the last thing you want is to be caught in some type of criminal offense. If you've read about the Argentine economic problem in the early 2000's, you will see an increase in crime that is difficult to get out. You might be robbed on the road or your home was robbed while you were out.

People of Argentina had to take more drastic measures to protect themselves and their property. Many began to carry guns with them when they go out and set the house with steel doors and bars on windows to reduce the possibility of someone who is in. I hope we do not come to this and can continue our life safe.

But we still need to be aware that we could have increased crime and personally prepare our homes and ourselves for that. Look around your home to see what you can do that by far was the hiding place of a criminal could use. Are you sure your doors from being in the legs, if not to learn how you can strengthen. Add some outside security lights that have motion sensor. You can easily bypass the motion sensor with your light switch if you want to keep them on all night.

Be aware of your surroundings when you go out, so May to notice something that does not look good. If you feel uncomfortable to follow your instincts, you May be wrong, but at least you will take all necessary measures.

China’s Economic Growth and the Property Revolution

Posted by naharazizi

After joining the WTO in 2001, is still great. March 2007 is to be remembered as a great turning point for China. China government declared the legal protection of individual property, which is a big step forward for China's economic growth, which is based on decades of collective or public property.

Although rural areas are the old property of the legal system, the fact that the National Popular Assembly voted almost unanimously law private property revolutions, shows that China is becoming increasingly integrated into capitalism and the global economy. Premier Wen Jiabao are considered the property of the revolution as a "big jump" as a way to change from the days of instability and lack of productivity, the new order where the product quality and high productivity are obvezna.Financijsku situation in the state-owned enterprises and sagging contribution to employment has become a big concern the Chinese central government.

Since 1978, the Chinese economic growth, the Government of the People's Republic of China is reforming its economy from a Soviet-style centrally planned economy, market-oriented economy in the political framework of Communist Party of China. China's economic growth helps to bring down poverty levels from 53% in 1981 to less than 8% today. However, China's progress is still concentrated in the coastal and southern provinces, and efforts are made to expand the internal prosperity of the provinces and the industrial Northeast. Foreign trade and investment to help increase the level of income, consumption and produktivnost.Vlada is focusing on foreign trade as a way to promote China's economic growth. China's economic growth is so strong, that is the first in the consumption of aluminum, steel, copper and coal and the second largest consumer of oil in the world. With cheap labor more than 800 million workers, China's economic growth potential is enormous. Compared with developed countries, China lags behind in science, technology, management, environmental protection of the environment, quality education and organizational levels. Entry into the World Trade Organization is paying off for China's economic growth and foreign direct investment is surging.

With China's economic growth rate was over 10%, while export growth at a steady pace, the future is promising for a new member of the capitalist club. Although there are many countries feel threatened by China, we must admit that there is a major new opportunity to open doors for industrial and commercial investors worldwide.

Economic Status of the United States in 1950

Posted by naharazizi


Emerging victorious from the Second World War five years earlier, in the U.S. in 1950 was reaping the benefits of a growing economy - the benefits are actually derived from a country participating in ratu.Uništenja and mayhem brings a global conflict brought about several positive contribution to the economy. Some even claim that the country's participation in World War II actually saved him from the Great Depression.

To understand the economic boom in the 1950s it is necessary to appreciate the positive influence of the birth of the Second World rata.Temelj for economic growth and the growth experienced in 1950 and years thereafter are set during the Second World War.

to fund and support efforts of countries of war times, had to hire a million U.S. troops to be sent to the war front, as well as being stationed at home. Factories were built for the production of war material - weapons and ammunition, military transport, tanks, combat aircraft and bombers, etc. For a man factory women and older people should be acknowledged as the most able-bodied men were at war. World War II created jobs and gave life to many industries and the energy of the nation. Among the industries that prospered during and immediately after the war, the newspaper industry, agriculture, industry and even Hollywood. Industries that produce transportation and plant machinery and happy. During the war, women for the first time, had the opportunity to work outside their homes and participate in building nacije.Sudjelovanje women in the labor force began to increase during this time.

The war also provided features that will be seen later in 1950. Take the example of many American products went overseas -. The very introduction of new markets

Many people actually feared that the end of the war would lead the country back into depression. With the production of military supplies coming to an end, that fear is their base - the overall economy is supported by all that had to do with global conflict.
Fortunately, it was not slučaj.Pobjeda enjoyed the people brought about trust in government and consumer gospodarstvu.Zajedničke most exposed to the trust as well as strong demand spurred economic growth, after the war.

leading to 1950, industries that experienced a wave of growth in the automotive industry and housing industries and new industries experienced a fantastic births -. Industries such as aerospace and electronics

There is another outcome of the Second World War who contributed to the postwar growth - the Cold War between the U.S. and the USSR

Many of the military industries that sprouted during the war continued to do a great job after. As the communist bloc was created as a military power in Europe, America, I had to hand on what it considers a threat. Huge investments are in defense of the country. These investments mean jobs, factories, large consumption -. All contributed to the boom in the 1950s

economic success of countries likely to influence the leaders advocate the replication of the open economy at the international level. This is best evidenced by the establishment of the country led by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

of the gross domestic product and per capita GDP

In 1950, the country's GDP was at $ 293.8 billion (in current dollars). At that time, GDP per capita is $ 9,573.00 - the United States a number of countries around the world in this aspect. By 1996, GDP was $ 13.194 trillion. GDP per capita was at $ 43,800.00 - However, the country ranked only 10th place worldwide in this regard


after the Second World War scenario has shown that too few farms to survive the war, a large majority, especially in Europe, has been greatly affected. Many of the events starting in the late 1970s to the early 2000s allowed other countries to overtake the U.S. in terms of GDP per capita.

As GDP per capita is affected population, countries that have a significant economic growth, combined with a low birth rate could surpass the U.S. in this indicator. But the U.S. remains the most powerful economy in 2007, taking into account other indicators.

Employment and unemployment

In 1950, the civilian labor force was about 58 million strong. Only 5.3 percent of the workforce was unemployed. 41.6 million in the workforce at that time were men, while only 17.34 million are women. By 1996, the workforce grew to about 142 million and the unemployment rate to 5 percent. 76 million are men and 66 million women in the workforce. In 1950, the number of workers in the services sector has caught up with workers in the goods producing industries. At the same time also an increase in white-collar jobs and strengthening the union. Awareness of workers' rights at ustati.Najveći impact experienced workforce is to increase women's participation in employment activities. Consequently, women were literally poured into the workforce, starting 1950th By 1990, women's participation in the workforce almost doubled. On the other hand, male participation would decline over time.

per capita income

In 1950 per capita income was tied to $ 1,501.00. By 2006 this rose to around $ 36,600.00. Although it marked a huge difference in the amount, it may be noted that $ 1,501.00 in 1950 could have more goods and services of $ 36,600 in 2006, as shown by the CPI rate for both years.

Consumer Price Index and Inflation

With 1967 as base year, the CPI in 1950 was registered at 72.1 - which means that the basket of goods and services in 1950 bought 72.1 percent of the cost of the same goods and services purchased in 1967. By 2006, the CPI was 603.5. This meant that the same basket of goods and services purchased in 1967 will cost 603.5 percent more in 2006. The inflation rate in 1950 was in a constant 1.09 percent. In 2006, the rate to 3.24 percent.

Emerging Industries

1950 saw the emergence of new industries that are anchored to the new technologies. Among them is a space industrija.Veliki successful heavy bombers during the war, emphasized the importance of innovation. Improvements in engine, metallurgy, technology and hands helped advance the industry, as well as improving manufacturing processes.

the beginning of the Cold War to ensure that the industry is there to stay. At its peak, the industry hired hundreds of thousands of workers in four major tvornice.Industrija also prompted $ 3 billion in government spending.

Other industries that grew in that time were driven by other industries. Take for example the housing boom experienced after the war. New house means extra furniture and appliances, as well as new automobila.Potrošača growth also spread to other areas. The introduction of television mass stimulated growth in electronics.
It was the after effects of industry growth. As the demand for houses and cars increased, many Americans were lured from central cities to suburbs. The construction of better highways has contributed to these developments.
Farmers, even though the tough times. As people left the farm country, fewer people are left behind to do farm work. This led to a drop in productivity of the agricultural sector.

Innovation and Business Transformation

On a personal level, 1950 saw the introduction of the first hand held TV remote control - a device that could be viewed as a necessity in many households in the years to come. Color TV is also raised through the issuance of permits for the CBS Network. Another innovation is the introduction of the first credit card - Diners -. Also a subject that will come as a necessity in the modern era

is the first pagers were developed in 1950.

in the business front, 1950 would usher in the era marked by the consolidation of large companies. Companies should be combined to create larger, larger companies. For example, international telephone and telegraph bought Sheraton Hotels, Continental Banking, Hartford Fire Insurance, Avis Rent-a-car, and other companies.

famous events and personalities

known events of 1950 include the following:

Start the Korean War - largely influenced by the United States and the Soviet Union on opposite sides, North and South Korea to tangle in the three years of war, who pointed out the tension during the Cold War regime


Making of the Hydrogen bomb -. Raged the Soviet atomic bomb test, the government going to develop the hydrogen bomb

Senator Joseph McCarthy - Red scare began in the halls of the U.S. Senate - a charge that the State Department was filled with Communists or their simpatizerima.Senator actions led to the adoption of the concept Mccarthyism - describes the intense anti-Communist sentiments


This period coincided with the start and fuel the Cold War between the U.S. and the USSR. Thousands of Americans were accused of being communists or sympathizers at the time - Americans in different sectors of society. History will eventually judge these allegations as baseless and reckless. While Senator McCarthy got a lot of media mileage at the beginning of his "campaign", he later revealed as a grandstanding Antic, who has little or no evidence to back their accusations. Many people accused Senator McCarthy suffered. Many people losing their jobs, had their careers ruined, and some were even imprisoned unjustly.


end of the Second World War led to the end of the Great Depression and the start of a long period of economic expansion through the 1950th It is quite ironic that the most destructive war in history contribute to the emergence of the strongest and largest economy in svijetu.Povjerenje the economy is obviously brought about by the country's victory in the war. Tempered strong cooperation between government, businesses and consumers, the U.S. emerged from the war are much stronger and economically stronger. Industrial expansion during the war brought an economic incentive to spend on even after World rata.Činjenica that most major economies have been slow to recover from the consequences of the conflict put U.S. in absolute and relative advantages and its allies and its enemies.

Resolving the Economic Crisis

Posted by naharazizi

is the first step to solving the problem: to determine the cause. In an open environment sharp American politics, where image trumps substance and catchy sound bites carry more weight than plain truth, politicians, experts and people are eager and willing to fix the blame, but not nearly interested in fixing the problem.

Thoughtful people, who might know others who have lost their jobs, struggling financially, or perhaps facing foreclosure characterized the economy in a state of discomfort - the recession is a word bandied about. Those who are actually unemployed, in foreclosure or declaring bankruptcy to use more emotionally charged words, words such as: crisis, disaster, depression. We know something is not quite right, but nevertheless allowed the rhetoric to the contrary, few understand the cause of global fire:. Concentration of power

abuse of power has accelerated the death of every great empire the world has ever known and for good reason. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Nowhere is this more evident than the proverb in the American political economy. Power is concentrated in the hands of a few destroy the aspirations and moral fabric of many. Without hope and opportunity society dies.

question, however, is not that the titans of greed - the masters of Wall Street, the financial elite and their political puppets - the revenge pustoš.Oluja Troopers are not breaking down doors and confiscation of wealth and power. We, the people, to give way freely. We mistakenly looking for comfort and conformity we give our power. We leave the responsibility and thus relinquished power.

the consequences of this course are truly awful. One by one, and collectively through our American democracy, we are committing suicide. Confused and helpless we are concentrating wealth and power without interest.

for two centuries of American mysticism was one of opportunity - an opportunity to do something in life by dreaming big dreams and act boldly to them ostvare.Slobodnog market sorted the wheat from the chaff. People knew, at least in America, had priliku.Jednakosti ethics enshrined in our founding document, the Declaration of Independence was certainly shot. People flocked to the United States from every corner of the world pokušati.Pojedinac can strive to achieve anything here. America was once a synonym for opportunity. Now, not so much.

prevailing mood in America today is to provide pointers and demand comfort. Government and industry pružaju.Ljudi role is to consume. We receive bread for food and fun for the substance of life rather than inspiration, challenge and creativity. We izgubili.Plijen go to a few privileged -. Nude, cost, type of dowry from the distracted and disappointed masses

avarice, arrogance, complacency and fear are the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Desires are infinite, but progress is dangerous and requires effort. For many, rather than risk losing, precipitation appears to be attractive. This trend offers the opportunity for those with pogonom.Arogantni understand and accept the fear as the ultimate weapon for manipulation regulations. They granted power to send the wrong solutions to relive the conditions we impose on ourselves.

Each individual, each of us, is the master of your own destiny. We create the reality we experience. The only way we controlled the force, however, to assume full responsibility for it. If you want to track, we must accept this truth individually and collectively.

size in America was a real recognition of the power and promise of the individual. Every man and woman in the arts and eventually created his own dream, he realized his or her own potential, forged his or her own life. We hide from the truth today. Rather than face barriers to reject responsibility and look outside ourselves for relief. We look to others in the industry, and that the government save us from the discomfort -. Each time any less responsible and more feeble

To solve the economic crisis we must address the cause: concentrated power. We, the people must accept responsibility for the conditions we adopted, and thus restore our power. Only then can we create a new reality.

2011 Economic Forecast-Part 1: The World Forecast From a US Perspective

Posted by naharazizi

2010 is ready for the history books and most of us are glad it is finally in the rearview mirror. Worldwide economic collapse was avoided in 2009 and the global economy to stabilize and strengthen one in 2010. However, the rate of recovery was very modest in 2010, limited the continued operation of a U.S. recession suppressing demand and restrictions on imports, the EU and the dollar-euro debt crisis is diverting hundreds of billions of capital markets to finance internal emergency loans. With all the conflicting predictions blurry, what will the future hold for 2011? Here are my predictions for next year.

view the world from the perspective of the U.S.

All in all, the world economic recovery is very fragile and rapid concentration of economic power in just a few people outside the U.S.,. OPEC oil exporting countries, the European Union and China


This is old news that the economic power continues to grow in the oil exporting nations to send our dollars. What could be the new news is that a lot of expected peak in world production occurred in 2007 and 2008, much earlier than most predictions. China's emergence as a major importer of crude due to the global demand to exceed production capacity for the first time in history, resulting in market prices that reached record levels. Remember the $ 150 per barrel of crude oil and its impact on fuel prices?

While many nations export of crude oil, OPEC cartel as a whole, and particularly Saudi Arabia, trying to balance their production in order to correctly supply meet worldwide demand. OPEC's objective is to obtain maximum value for fewer resources, while balancing the knowledge that too much supply will drive up prices and push the world economy into a recession (which results in lower production and revenue for Member States). Expect Saudis to vary their production and try to keep prices in the spot market $ 90 -. $ 100/bbl to achieve equilibrium

However, China's emergence on the world stage to compete for the available oil supplies means that the period of cheap energy is over. We just have not realized this yet, because a severe recession in the U.S. (the world's largest importer) to temporarily lower its internal consumption, and made ​​several deals available on the world market.

In the meantime, China has further increased its imports of crude oil, which some of the slack. In this scenario, the stage is set for an astronomical rise in oil prices, when the U.S. economy recovers and returns to the previous level of imports to meet its energy needs.

lines of OPEC and the bottom - the most likely scenario is for a slow, steady rise in crude oil prices during 2011 kaoglobalno economy is gradually recovering .

is an alternative scenario for crude oil remains essentially stable if the demand is suppressed by continued recession in the U.S. and Chinese real estate bubble bursts, it sends in a recession (see below for more on this feature).


before a robust European Union is becoming more and more often seen as unfit conglomerate "have" and "have not" countries.

Germany and France are the economic powerhouses EU.Gospodarski weaklings are called PIIGS countries, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain, whose national budgets have triggered a huge level of deficit spending for decades. In many cases now, debt service related uses double-digit percentage of their budget (Ireland is a stunning 32%!), And are straining to the breaking point.

There is considerable fear that the country could default on its domestic debt obligations, dragging down the euro and the dollar threatens the economy of each member country. In 2010, Germany led the rescue effort for Greece, which had to reduce its budget by a whopping 12%. Reduction in the traditional civil service and the associated layoffs is not well accepted by citizens as news to many countries has shown a demonstration.

of Ireland, which has offered a sign of resistance to the idea of ​​EU rescue, was next on the list. Undoubtedly, this is the worst financial condition of any EU member states for two reasons. First, many years of deficit spending, in agreement with such a sibling members of the European Union.

, however, unlike other EU countries, Ireland has also had his own real estate bubble growth, which was eventually (and inevitably) burst. Irish banks started to go insolvent when the value of real estate mortgage has dropped dramatically. To quell the growing financial panic of the national government then in bold (and very risky) step by publicly guaranteeing all deposits, after the fact, to reject the economic collapse. Unfortunately, the vast resources needed to make good on that guarantee, combined with inadequate regulatory oversight to spot troubled banks before failed, exceeded even what the Irish government could ponuditi.Irska the government now sporting a new $ 100B + EU loan to save their banks and keep the economy.

But, like Greece, Ireland's salvation came at the expense of laying off one thousand state employees (hereinafter pushed unemployment), cutting the state payroll, and most unfortunately, the government cut pensions of those already retired. I also like Greek, Irish citizens are protesting in the streets in a decrease in salaries and services.

the creditworthiness of these countries has fallen to the point where they were able to borrow on world markets (at reasonable interest rates) to fund their government, and they would not be able to borrow at all, if it maintained its the national currency. Next on the list of rescue could be Portugal and Spain.

Please note that Britain, which still uses the pound, not the euro, currently running as a high budget deficit, although for fewer years than their European neighbors. She began the budget reduction efforts drive up to 2010 election results, which resulted in the highest civil service layoffs after World War II and has reduced this time, proud world power, whose national anthem is Rule Britannia, the testing service Royal Mail sold to foreign companies and research ways of sharing costs of its new aircraft carrier to rival France.

Will the value of the euro dollar collapse or be abandoned by some members of the EU? It is unlikely in the medium term, because the weaker nations do not want to leave the currency backed by a stronger nation economically. If the stronger countries like Germany and France returned tags and frank, they will suffer an avalanche of capital inflows from those leaving the euro weakened to seek currency stability.

2011 the EU and the bottom line - The EU will remain intact, and (with the exception of Great Britain) will remain committed to the euro . It is good for the stability of the world recovery. However, the EU economy as a whole will underperform because of the hundreds of billions of euros in internal loans will be redirected to the rescue of its weaker members. Look for the EU to develop some kind of control to prevent members of the deficit spending from continuing to pull the whole Uniji.EU potential to be an economic powerhouse will be unfulfilled until the finances of the principal members of the set in order.


economic power is moving quickly east and military power will soon follow. China is rapidly moving beyond just as technologically backward player to become a dominant force on the world economic scene. One example of China's pace of his achievement is only the third nation in the world to place a man in orbit, a remarkable feat for any measure.

China is awash in dollars accumulated from long-term trade surplus with the U.S., so many in fact, it can not be converted into yuan, China's national currency, in order to directly power its economy, because the damping, as a major dollars on the open market purchase available yuan will sharply devalue the dollar (a sudden oversupply) and drive the value of the yuan (the sudden lack of), as Chinese exports more expensive. Clearly China does not want to disrupt their export drives the economy by making exports more expensive.

So, what China is working with all the dollars it holds, but can not convert? It is almost literally buy a whole countries and continents!

China is moving aggressively to provide sources of raw minerals to ensure that its economic development can continue. It has invested heavily in Australian mining company to the point where Australia is now a substantial part of GDP than mineral sales in China. China wants to enhance its stake in the Australian corporations, but the Aussie government refused to allow further investment takes majority ownership, fearing a complete download their national mineral wealth.

China has also invested heavily in natural resources throughout the African continent. Africa has very few large-cap mining corporations on the continent (De Beers South Africa is one of the few exceptions), so that the China deal directly with each country's national government to negotiate exclusive deals to develop its mineral wealth.

for African nations, in exchange for exclusive rights (keywords) to use its mineral resources, China has to use its financial and technological muscle to quickly develop the mines, often located in remote areas, and associated infrastructure such as railway lines and ports, with a guarantee to employ a large part of the nation's population in each mining operation.

This rags-to-riches promise was obviously appealing to poor governments with limited economic resources to develop its mineral resources on their own, but it comes at a terrible price. Until now, the labor force for these mines was really engaged at the local level, but their new work situation is far from utopian. In most cases they are "working for the company store" as is usual in the United States a century ago, charged exorbitant rent to live in barracks away from home, and make almost any purchase at high prices from local dealers wholly-owned company. As you might suspect, there is little else to send the family home after meeting these costs.

In the meantime, management remains firmly in the hands of Chinese corporations, effectively prevents the African nationals from gaining experience and improving the management of intellectual capital in their country.

effect of all these activities will ultimately drive up prices of strategic minerals throughout the world as China's blocking of the remaining mineral resources essential to the price of extraction.

Finally, China is in the midst of its own housing bubble driven by rampant real estate speculation, very similar to what the U.S. experienced at the beginning of this stoljeća.Brzo growing Chinese middle class has very little financial instruments to invest in, but the property is available to anyone with enough money to finance the purchase. The Chinese version of Flip this house, extended families, individuals and investment property for the sole purpose of sales prospects in the near future at a substantial profit.

After watching the fallout when the bubble burst in the U.S. market, Chinese officials recognize the danger and take steps in their command and control economy cool things off. Recently, foreigners are limited to buying a house in China, the government urges banks to reduce credit used to purchase the property (not expected to have much effect because most purchases are 100% cash), and talking about limiting the number of houses, flats, apartments, or that their citizens may own at one time.

If the Chinese real estate bubble bursts causing great loss of personal net worth as an American bubble has done, you can expect China internal consumption drastically reduced, reducing the amount of consumer goods that China imports from around the svijeta.Dramatično reduction in Chinese imports could top the world back into recession as exports people lose jobs and revenue in exports to China provides.

2011 China bottom line - China's consumption of resources the world has reached the point where it affects the world market prices and availability . If China's economy continues to perform well in the coming year, it will compete more aggressively in the open market for limited global resources.

Much depends on whether the government can reign in the internal real estate speculation. The most likely scenario is that China has successfully cool the overheated housing market that threatens the economy. However, if the property bubble bursts, then China's new middle class will lose a significant portion of their wealth, driving down internal consumption. Dramatically reduced the import of luxury goods and high end products produced will affect the global recovery and could produce more of the global recession.

2011 World Economic Outlook

the most likely scenario - Slow, steady economic progress as the powerhouses of the EU (Germany and France) continue to fund the rescue of their very grateful to the partners in the Euro dollar and China to avoid its economic recession, deflating its real estate bubble.

alternative scenario - in a world recession if several European countries leave the euro and the dollar return on their sovereign national currencies or China Real estate bubble bursts, seriously reducing their internal consumption and imports vozi.Recesija it might be difficult in this scenario, since the United States' own economic recovery will have progressed to the point where it can compensate for reduced demand on the world tržištu.Zemalja that will be least affected and could emerge as a new economic superpower that is Germany, France and the OPEC countries, who have amassed decades of oil trade surplus of funds.

I share his economic outlook for the U.S. 2011 Economic Forecast - Part 2: United States (USA) .

Which scenario will come to pass? It's hard to say because we have not been here before, but I've shared my best guess. Do you think I nailed it or have a different opinion? I look forward to your thoughtful comments, insights, and opinions.

Marcus Asay Fresno Draw Sketch of Modern Economic Development Character

Posted by naharazizi

important figure behind the development of a modernized economy is cycled in his character. In order to clean up any structural crisis in the global economy, many modern conditions are getting formirana.Zemalja by making use of old technology and progress have been destroyed, while the countries that have managed to develop and use innovative potential opportunities proved to be a focal point for attracting capital, it independent of the old production. Thus, the state implemented and by making use of industrial capital investment and technical research policy likely potential fields are achieving competitive advantage.

The main means to overcome the structural crisis are counted as a radical innovation, and execution of the prime scientific knowledge. Implementation of these factors would help in the adoption of new achievements, as well as increasing efficiency and efficaciousness of traditional events. In relation to activate the economic development of the stable phase, it is important to increase the innovational investments involving the use of new technologies and the importance temeljnih.Glavni about innovative ways of economic development in the investment policy provides a revolutionary form of development, which in turn means the government role in the growth and implementation of policies the investment.

said spreading awareness and knowledge about new ideas and civilization of individuals, a highly developed country assumes full responsibility for the financing arena, including high risk research, basic science, scientific research infrastructure development, etc. At this point, the government is trying to develop institutions and organizations, which will confirm the investment new technologies, encourage progressive technological change, encourage innovative activities, and information izvori.Osnovni modernized foundation for economic growth and development involves an active investment processes especially in the technological and scientific fields, and innovative technical and scientific processes.

These days, the main reason for the decline in scientific and technical potential no longer has integrity and the unity between research and the use of opinion polls. In such conditions, in order to achieve modern economic growth and development in the country, it is vital for the development and creation of scientific innovation to be taken into account. Marcus Asay says further laying the foundation for innovative and progressive movements multiplication, technological development of the country is all about investment, resulting in increased production, scientific innovation and improvisation, etc. Also, the development of corporate organizations and business tools to achieve long-term industrial applications and making conditions leading to stable economic growth and development.

Gulf Cooperation Council Economic Integration

Posted by naharazizi on Sunday, October 23, 2011

of the current era is characterized by expansion of regional trade agreements around the world. In light of the slow progress to conclude Doha round of World Trade Organization (WTO), an avalanche of bilateral and regional free trade agreements will be fulfilled in a vacuum.

Arab countries embarked on an ambitious continental integration efforts designed to meet their developmental ciljeve.Načela Gulf Arab economy, their economic integration focus, the same as for any regional integration: combining the resources of the constituent members in an effort to achieve economies of scale, comparative benefits, and development. Arab countries have had several years of sub-continental regional agreements. However, the Cooperation Council for the Arab Gulf States (GCC) is generally considered a success if its incarnation as a free trade area, customs union, common market and are concerned. The outcome is still GCC drama takes place integration.

GCC was established in May 1981.GCC consists of six members: (1) United Arab Emirates, (2) Bahrain (3) Saudi Arabia (4) Oman, (5) Kuwait, and (6) Qatar. Structurally, the GCC is helped along by the fact that a manageable number of states and high levels razvoja.Zemlje GCC have a large and prosperous market economy. Involvement in the process of economic integration among countries with similar economic and development needs in order to make the process easier because there is a wide economic gap exists between these countries. All in all GCC members share a common identity already exists and cohesion.

signing of the Charter of the GCC intended closer economic relations between the GCC states članica.Cilj to promote cooperation in all areas of economic activity in order to increase and maintain economic stability, strengthening of closer relations among its members, and contributes to the advancement and development of the region Zaljeva.Drugih basic documents that established the GCC, its main organization, and enforcement proceedings by the Supreme Council Rules of Procedure, the Council of Ministers of the Rules of Procedure, the Commission on dispute Resolution Procedure.

Structure of the GCC shall be composed of the Supreme Council, the Council of Ministers, the Secretariat and the Commission to resolve disputes. These persons have the authority to establish any sub-agencies when necessary.

Supreme Council of the GCC's most powerful institutions. This is the head of the structure of GCC upravljanja.Vrhovno Council consists of the head of every Member State. Its presidency rotates among member states in alphabetical redu.Vrhovno Council meets annually and the validity of any of its meetings depends on the presence of two thirds of the Member States.

The Supreme Council is the main legislative body authorizes the GCC and other GCC companies to implement their decisions in pursuit of its mandate to achieve the objectives of the GCC. For example, the Supreme Council has the authority to amend the Charter. Moreover, the Supreme Council reviews issues of concern to member states, establishing policies for senior GCC, reviews recommendations and reports submitted to the Council of Ministers for approval, reviews reports prepared secretary approves the basis for dealing with other countries and international organizations, appoints members of the Commission for dispute resolution , appointed Secretary.

vote of the Supreme Council decides whether or not a specific solution that will be adopted and thus become binding on member states. The Supreme Council, each member has one vote glas.Povelja divided into two types, tangible things and procedural matters. On the one hand, material things must be approved by consensus. In other words, a particular decision is adopted if every member state does not veto this odluku.Razlog to share things in the substantive and procedural points to the fact that the stakes are high with material matters, as he admitted new members of the GCC, the changes and amendments to the GCC Charter and the appointment of Secretary and as such are subject to consensus decision-making.

The Council of Ministers is composed of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Member States or certain other ministers. In other words, the delegates from the respective ministries can participate, depending on the number of the ruci.Vijeće Ministers convenes regular meetings every three months, but may also convene extraordinary meetings on call one of the Member States. As the Supreme Council, the Council of Ministers meetings are considered valid if attended by two thirds of the Member States.

powers of the Council of Ministers are more detailed than those of the Supreme Council. These powers include proposing policies, preparing recommendations, studies and projects aimed at developing cooperation and coordination between Member States in different areas, trying to encourage, develop and coordinate activities that exist between Member States in all areas, the development of existing cooperation between Member States' industries and Chamber of Commerce, and to encourage the movement of workers who are nationals of member states within the GCC, and review questions to him the Supreme Council. in addition, in terms of power, the Council of Ministers can actually make their own decisions, but in other cases it may be subject to ultimate approval.

Voting in the Council of Ministers was addressed in both the Charter and the Ministerial Council Rules of Procedure. As the Supreme Council, each member of the Council of Ministers shall have one vote. Again, both the agreement to share the voting into two categories, tangible things and procedural matters. As the voting rules for the Supreme Council, decisions on substantive matters must be approved unanimously and the decision on procedural matters must be approved by a majority. . However, unlike the voting rules of the Supreme Council, the Council of Ministers of the Rules of Procedure specifically provides authority to address issues of substantive and procedural.

The Secretariat shall comprise a Secretary-General and other necessary assistants and staff. The Secretary-General should be a citizen of the GCC and appointed by the Council for a period of three years, which may once obnoviti.Broj professional civil servants who work in the GCC Secretariat remains unclear. However, one predicts that the Secretariat is composed of all trade economists and trade lawyers.

One of the most important aspect of the GCC management structure of the body to settle disputes and processes. . For example, the dispute settlement body may declare an act of imposing customs duties, to calm the domestic industry, the imports of the GCC member is valid if the act was inconsistent with the obligation to eliminate tariffs and other barriers to the GCC agreement. If the body for resolving disputes is seen as independent and able to establish its power, it will cause confidence in the system integration. In North America Free Trade Area (NAFTA) integration, for example, boards played an important role in the strengthening of a free trgovine.Obvezujuće NAFTA panel decisions have helped clarify the current regulations and policies of the Member States, and they set aside those that do not comply with the obligation of trade liberalization.

GCC Charter establishes the Commission for Dispute Resolution (Commission). The Commission is composed of at least three nationals of Member States. Panelists of the Commission are appointed full-time or permanent, but are selected on an ad hoc basis. As currently manufactured, the Charter does not provide any guidelines for the selection of panelists Commission in terms of their qualifications, age, or years of expertise in the field of commercial law, politics, economics or any domestic or international level. In addition, the Charter does not indicate whether the Commission's panelists are expected to work in state capacity or neutral.

The Commission has jurisdiction to consider questions of him by the Supreme Council in respect of disputes between member states, as well as disputes over the interpretation and application of the Charter. Therefore, Member States may file a petition before the Commission alleging the failure of another Member State to fulfill obligations under the Charter, and in these matters the Commission has the original nadležnosti.Nadležnosti Commission may also extend to the review of decisions or actions of the Supreme Council or the Council of Ministers for consistency with the Charter. However, the ability of the Commission to hear disputes between the member states dependent on discretionary consensus "referral" by the Supreme Council. Moreover, neither the Charter nor the Rules of Procedure of the Commission have any provision for individual access, directly or otherwise, to the Commission.

The second issue that the Charter is silent on situations in which the action or the domestic law of certain Member States - and not contrary to the GCC agreement - albeit unintentionally conflict with or invalidate the purpose of the contract. In any case, the final authority of the Commission is a topic for future scrutiny and certainly a strong argument can be made for the adoption of these concepts at some point in the future.

As for the recommendations and opinions issued by the Commission Rules of Procedure of the Commission of four guidelines for such referrals. First, recommendations or opinions shall be in accordance with the Charter, international laws and practices, and principles of Islamic Sharia. Secondly, the Commission, while with respect to any dispute, before issuing a final recommendation, may request the Supreme Council to take interim measures which are called circumstances. Third, the Commission should justify its recommendation specifying the grounds on which they are based. Finally, if no opinion is adopted unanimously, dissenting members have the right to take their allocated mišljenje.Komisije task is considered to be completed after submitting its recommendations or opinions of the Supreme Council.

of the Charter and Rules of Procedure of the Commission shall not include any language in the appellate review process. Charter and Rules of Procedure do not discuss the scope of "appellate review" in terms of factual issues, legal substances, or the rules and the nature of their actions. In other words, there is no framework for appellate review of the Rules of Procedure of the Commission.

Model Rules should be developed to determine the number of panelists, their qualifications, expertise, nationality, and compensation. Model rules of procedure may include policies, practices and procedures to receive initial and rebuttal written submissions, both oral hearing will be conducted before the board, and mandatory time limits for each step. Dispute settlement should call for increased transparency in the process, especially the panel to open the hearing to the public. In relation to the presentation of confidential business information in the panel, parts of any dispute hearings dealing with such sensitive information should not be open to the public.

Survival Tips For an Economic Depression

Posted by naharazizi

This is not the end. The dark clouds of recession are certainly hovering around horizonta.Gospodarski financial indicators point to a decline in business, which means that the problem for real estate investors, businesses and job seekers. Gas prices have hit all time high. This is definitely the time to prepare for a rainy day.

Banks are reeling under subprime losses. Real estate seems so nestvarno.Vlada U.S. finally outraged at his economic predictions. What are the options individuals, investors and regular employees in the economy? What do small businesses to prepare for a recession? Of course, none of us can not afford to take things lightly.

Survival tips for busy

recession means the ax will fall on the employees first. What we witnessed was an exodus of sorts. Keeping our job intact will be a lot of work vrijeme.Najbolji advice during the recession is to find ways to be necessary. You should be in some more work loads that would ultimately mean savings for the company. Your job will pay for itself and make sound financial sense. That's another thing to someone else the job will become redundant. But it is the least of your problems. Your company's financial situation will dictate whether you keep your job or not. You can keep your job safe from recession.

Every employee should start to behave like a business owner. Your job depends on it. Where can you cut costs? What innovations can be implemented? How to sell? All these issues should be resolved by you. This will not only mean the survival of your company but yours as well.

There are hundreds of job trainees out there. Among them many have spent a small fortune training them MBA's, engineers, and what ne.Pust economy is something we must prepare for. Forget about huge pay packages. Look at the ground realities and take whatever job you can get. Financial security should be your first goal. Climb the job bandwagon first, secure job. During a recession, you can not wait for manna from heaven to fall.

Survival tips for investors in the stock market and real estate

Investors on the Stock Exchange must be extra careful during recesije.Ekonomski indicators will collapse in the market and investors along with it. This is sigurno.Investitor should therefore have a serious look at his portfolio. Get rid of junk stocks very quickly, if you have not already done so. These penny stocks appreciate smartly in good times. They also fall flat as a fat puppy during the economic crisis. Many have become millionaires overnight paupers because of holding on to those shares. Stop Loss if you've already lost. The economy is in bad shape, do not let them pull you along. Go for the blue chips. Even in a recession they are likely to be at their cost. During the period in which they give reasonable returns. May you not become a millionaire, but you never know.

Another piece of advice for investors is to buy stocks with borrowed money. We are all optimists at heart and hardcore investor's biggest optimist of all. This sometimes forces them to lend, hoping it will ubojstvo.Vruće advice here, a slight upward movement in a certain stock or credible rumor. All are sure signs of large sums of money for compulsive investors. This is a recipe for disaster. Reign in your financial horses and wait for better days. The economy will recover sooner rather than later.

subprime losses are the engine that drove the economy into recession. Gross avarice and greed on the part of bankers and knowing cue from the policy has led to this situation. Therefore, it is unlikely that investment in real estate pick up in the near future, if ever. It is best to cut losses and move away from the real estate market. Selling property at interest rates is the only option, even if it means losing.

Many of us have bought real estate as an investment. Some use it as a weekend gateway. Letting your second home is a good choice you have to consider. This will bring you steady monthly income while you wait for the real estate value. Idle property is no longer sustainable. If you have a farm house, you should explore the possibility of growing fruits and vegetables. It can fetch tidy income.

Survival tips for the common man

Many highly popular books have started giving the impression that they can become rich only by investing passively. This mindset has taken root in many American citizens. Work is just old fashioned. Taking risks means financial rewards. It is only now realized that millions of misconceptions of it. For some it is too late. We need to get out of this apathy and disregard for the hard work. In good economic times, even the craziest ideas seem to work. But during the recession, they should tighten their belts.

This is the age old saying that money saved money earned. Save part of your income. Even ten percent is enough. You must not touch any of this whimsical expenditure like a vacation or a luxury. Your credit card is your greatest enemy. You must bring the credit card liability to zero and then keep it away altogether. You must live within your means, even if it hurts and capture your lifestyle. Look at the recession on its face. Bad economy does not become poor. This is simply a warning to get your act together.

This is a great idea to start planning for retirement. This will force you to think about your economic future. Investing in pension and retirement funds will ensure their future. If you get laid off, at least you can go for a little financial nest. Retirement is not a bad word any more. It may even turn out to be the best part of his life.

survival tips for businesses

small businesses would be hardest hit because of the worsening economy. On May sound depressing, but the truth is that many will be closed. But do not take it lying down in položaju.Pametni guys have already started preparing for the days ahead so that secretarial work on their own.

Modern technology is a boon for small businesses. Instead of renting expensive office can innovate and work from home. Finance and investment consultants, CPA, real estate agents and many other business can work from home.

It is time to look at your accounts receivable. Entrepreneurs need to closely monitor the outstanding and reduce as much as possible. If you hold the stock, the inventory should be kept to a minimum. Shift the cost of carrying inventory on your main means of "just in time" policy, which will save you from the investment in inventory dead.

another look at your taxes. Can you become more competitive? Instead of charging $ 100 you can get by with $ 75? Customers are looking for a bargain and reduce their professional fees will make them happy. Consider this to be one of your effective marketing tools in times of recession.

The recession is a big economic bully. This can be done to do things that would not otherwise consider. At the same time it is not necessary to surrender and die for it. Taking action, deliberate steps to counter the threat is the only sensible way. It's all a matter of managing your finances.

Get An Offshore Technical Solution With Software Outsourcing India

Posted by naharazizi

Information technology is a quick rescue in all parts of the corporate world and is now seen as the most influential of the equipment increases the pace of global economic development. With the participation of information technology in the industry and corporations, the only thing that got the top most priority of the software. The software is the core of information technology in this way, each word is an organization with an emphasis on hiring the best suitable program. Today, the software industry is equipped with resources and experts, has grown and expanded its horizons to support all aspects of the business or any industry. As software plays a key role in the development of every business, companies are making their sustainability outsourcing some or all of its functionality in the software. Despite the fact that there are countries with a wealth of financial and human resources, India is still a priority for software outsourcing. Software Outsourcing India is a strong leader of information technology arena, with a highly sophisticated, technically skilled and English-speaking population.

software outsourcing India is the perfect political, educational, technical and linguistic requirements to offer excellent services for the global software market. As the world's largest software industry U.S. keeps outsourcing its development task globally, it has become the largest software outsourcing client. Currently the share of the global software outsourcing India software industry is 1.2 billion dolara.Stopa growth of Indian software industry over the past five years is very high compared with other rival countries. India's software outsourcing industry is dominated with 80% of total revenues. Key factors that drive U.S. software development clients the highest political stability, marketing skills, bureaucracy, etc.

In principle, India can offer substantial savings with excellent skills and experience to every project outside, where other countries are charged a very high amount for the same skills and services. Distance is no longer important for outsourcing due to the increasing use of internet and telecommunications infrastructure for the best. As the internet has become an important channel of communication for software development, software outsourcing India is the most suitable internet infrastructure to remain in contact with the client nation. Software Outsourcing India covers a wide range of possibilities,. It is surrounded by a lot of expertise and eagerness to participate in the growth of any industry or business

If any industry is planning to outsource the function of software development in India then you will surely find a way to achieve almost any dream of software technology. In India it is a huge academic research that ranges from surprisingly vast survey of technical and language skills. India is a developing economy and getting ready to plant in the global economy. As per the current rate of growth of Indian economy, India is very close to claiming a leading position in global money markets and software outsourcing India is a very important role to play in this effort. With increasing participation in the field of software development, India has become home to the expected information technology and global service center for businesses. To be able to scale performance of Indian software development is really necessary to experience India first. So they come to India and get offshore technical solutions for your business.